Are you under 18 but still would like to help improve the lives of thousands of pets in your community? The Junior Volunteer Program at SJRAS recognizes that young citizens can make a HUGE impact in the animal welfare movement. Our program focuses mainly on two groups: juniors under 16 years old who need a parent or guardian with accompany them during their volunteer time, and juniors between 16-18 years of age who have more freedoms and can participate in various volunteer programs without direct supervision. If you are interested in volunteering just complete the questionnaire and our Junior Coordinator will be in touch to invite you to an orientation where you’ll learn about all of the volunteer activities open for your age group. We also offer training for specific roles in the program. You’ll be able to see those classes once you’ve been thru an orientation and are ready to start your volunteer work.
Volunteer programs enable us and other non-profit organizations to fill needs in the community that might otherwise go unmet. From the Board of Directors at the SJRAS who volunteer their time, to the crews who staff our fund-raising events, to the shelter workers and foster families who care for animals in our charge, dedicated volunteers are involved at every level of work.
Some do it for the satisfaction of serving a cause they believe in. Others do it for the sake of interacting with the animals in a positive way, or meeting new people with a similar passion for animals. Still others volunteer to broaden their horizons, complete a primary school requirement, list the volunteer work on college applications or to gain on-the-job experience for later career development. All of them do it for the joy of helping. Whatever your reasons, your caring makes a difference. We all sincerely thank you for giving your time, and your role here will not be unrecognized. We value your participation and hope that the time you spend here will be equally rewarding for you.
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