partners in 2021
partners in 2021
partners in 2021
In 2021 , over 1,100 animals were transferred to our rescue partners and our life saving program has only gotten bigger & better. We are always happy to have new partners, and are constantly expanding our lifesaving Rescue/Shelter Partnership Program. We have a wide variety of partners, including breed-specific rescues, foster based rescues, other animal shelters, farm rescues, wildlife rehabilitators and more. We are always seeking to work with new Rescue/Shelter partners to save more lives.
Partners help save lives by pulling adoptable animals when the kennels and/or catteries are full and lives are at stake due to overcrowding. We also rely on our partners for help with animals that require more care, behaviorally or medically, than we can provide in the shelter. If rescues are interested in helping SJRAS at any point, we encourage you to submit a Partner Application immediately. Having all documentation in order facilitates more efficient rescue placements in the future.
Rescue Application
Rescue/Shelter Partner Applications must be complete and approved prior to a first transfer. Rescues need only submit the application once, but we reserve the right to check references again at any time. Please note: Authorized Agents are individuals that the rescue permits to act as representatives of the organization (accepting animals, arranging transfers, picking up animals, etc.). If an Authorized Agent needs to be added or removed at any time, it is the responsibility of the rescue to notify the SJRAS Rescue Coordinator.
Important Information for Partners or Potential Partners
We value our relationships with our Rescue/Shelter Partners and strive to provide as much information about animals as possible, including temperament and compatibility with other animals. These tests are done as staff is available, which may not be immediately. If an animal is compromised, behavioral tests may not be able to be performed. Partners are always welcome to complete their own evaluation of any animal they are considering, if time and space allow.
All animals are given age-appropriate vaccines upon intake. This includes distemper vaccine, bordatella vaccine, general de-wormer, and flea/tick treatment. If an animal is ill, vaccines may not be given. We provide as much information as possible about any health concerns an animal may have, but make no guarantees as to the health of an animal. Documentation of animal’s vaccines, tests, and/or medical treatment will be on the Transfer Contract you will sign and receive.
There are no fees for these vaccines/medications.
Animals Available for Rescue
All animals may not be available for rescue at all times. Availability will depend on the current situation at the shelter and may change from season to season or day to day. Animals pending adoption will not be available to rescue. Animals that are most urgent include “bully breeds”, adult cats, kittens, ill or injured animal, seniors, and behaviorally challenging animals. Partners that pull urgent animals are given preference when considering more adoptable animals.
Visit our Trello Board of pets in need of placement via a Rescue Partner
Urgency at Our Facility
All animals are held for their required legal holding period. Once this hold has expired, we cannot guarantee the availability of an animal. While we strive to provide notice of urgency, we cannot guarantee that notice will be given before an animal is euthanized when emergency situations or overcrowding occurs. If you are interested in rescuing an animal, please make sure your organization is approved and that the Rescue Coordinator is aware of your intentions immediately. You can request to be notified as a “last resort” for certain animals.
We request that arrangements be made for pick up or transport as quickly as possible. We can accommodate pick-ups during business hours or earlier, if arranged with Rescue Coordinator. When picking up, please bring a carrier/s for felines and a leash and collar for canines.
Business Hours:
Mon/Tues/Wed: 1:00-6:00 Thu/Fri/Sat: 11:00-4:00 Sunday: Closed
Transport assistance is often available when needed. Transport assistance is available through our volunteers and is dependent on volunteer availability. Please let the Rescue Coordinator know if you require assistance with transport. In cases of extreme urgency, arrangements must be made to transport animals immediately.